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We Support you in the Certification Process

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In Consultek, we support you in the implementation of a quality management system based on the ISO 9001:2015 that will lead your organization to achieve competitiveness standards and obtain a certificate with international recognition, which is so necessary today for all companies worldwide.

Our Methodology

  • Documents: process mapping, requirements correlation matrix vs. processes, procedures, operating instructions, formats, records of system management and other documents.
  • Evidence of staff training, records and evaluation of staff performance, evaluation of Customer Satisfaction, evaluation of suppliers, indicators of each process, internal audit, review of the QMS by Management, etc.
  • Training of Internal Auditors in ISO 19011:2011, corrective actions for the solution of problems, among others. 



Stage 1: Diagnosis

For the correct implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) in the organization, it is necessary to carry out an initial analysis of its processes. The purpose of this is to make a report with detailed planning of the activities to be carried out of the identification of the processes and the interaction of the QMS.


Stage 2: Quality Training and Internal Audits 

During the development of the consultancy, the quality committee and key personnel of the organization will be trained. This training will be supported with the delivery of teaching materials and exercise formats.

Stage 3: Elaboration Documentation and Follow-up of the Implementation 

The delivery of the course-workshop is a fundamental part of the project for the elaboration of the QMS documentation. The procedures and other documentation will be documented by the by the consultant and elaborated by each one of those responsible for the processes based on the following work methodology:

  • Interviews to gather information with the personnel involved in the process to be implemented.

  • Submission of draft for review by the organization.

  • Making corrections.

  • Approval of the documents by the senior management of the organization.

Stage 4: Internal Audit and Review by the Management 

The internal audit is a fundamental requirement in order to obtain the certification. The internal audit will be carried out by teams of auditors who have approved the course of audits.

The last stage before certification is the completion of the review board by the Management and the report with the summary of the achievements and performed activities and planning of tasks for the next board meeting.

Stage 5: Certification  

The consultant will accompany the organization in the certification audit process by providing the necessary support conducting periodic site visits to the organization for contact and selection of the Certifying Body.

Support in the necessary corrective actions derived from the findings and recommendations of the Certifying Body.


What kind of service do you require?

Advice for implementing your Management System / Advice to maintain and improve your Management System / Training / Education

Fill out the form to learn more about your ISO 9001:2015 Consultancy.