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Generating a positive impact on digital media.

Catalog Area: Sales, customer service and collections
Duration: 08 Hrs.
Modality: online and Face-to-face modality

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  • Customer service is one of the most valued aspects by business users and recently, in addition to offering personalized customer support through telephone or chat lines, social media have been gaining importance among institutions and companies, quickly becoming as important as the other support channels.
  • A good support in social media gives us the ability to act as a channel between our customers and our brand, providing an excellent service and improving our institution or company’s reputation by projecting a positive image while building customer loyalty and other actions that will positively impact in our sales.




  1. What does Customer Service mean?
  2. What makes an excellent service?
  3. New trends: the new media.
  4. Benefits of using social media as a customer service channel.
  5. The keys of attentiveness.
  6. Good practices in the implementation of social media in customer service.
  7. Service protocol.
  8. Guidelines for social media management.
  9. Script and Frequently Asked Questions.


  1. Knowing our Customers
  2. The new types of customers.
  3. What our customers want: Needs and desires in the digital age.
  4. Who do we write for?
  5. The needs, desires, and habits of Web information consumers.
  6. Network etiquette: courtesy in digital communication.
  7. Basic rules of network conduct.
  8. Handling complaints and problem solving.


  1. Digital Language and Writing
  2. Spelling and standards adapted to social media.
  3. Social networks and new media according to the RAE.
  4. How to write: style, length, and reading time.
  5. Adapting texts to WEB formats.
  6. Practical exercises.


  • Participants will learn the advantages of good social media customer service, offering a personalized value proposition that favors the company’s image.
  • They will be able to identify the current needs of Web consumers and the keys for effective interaction.
  • They will recognize the qualities of writing adapted to the new formats and be able to apply these skills to establish an excellent brand-customer communication.